Acquerino Cantagallo App – Giro Dei 5 Rifugi

The Acquerino Cantagallo Association is proud and excited to present an idea which became reality: the “Giro dei 5 Rifugi”! This idea became reality thanks to the help of our friends. This route can become a game or an outdoor activity in the safety of a few friends or with family making sure that everyone feels good in their legs and their head. It all came from the desire to bring together the 5 mountain huts in the municipality of Cantagallo and make a single route: Rifugio Pacini, Cascina di Spedaletto, Cascina Vespaio, Cascina Le Barbe and Cascina Le Cave. We also wanted to create a complete itinerary of the Acquerino Cantagallo Nature Reserve which connects the main points of interest within the reserve. The “Giro dei 5 Rifugi” was then created. The App, which is compatible with Android and iOS, should resolve phone network problems. It will be possible to navigate directly from your GPS device. During the weekend of the 22nd-23rd May dedicated to the European Day of Parks, our association on behalf of the municipality of Cantagallo and with the financial contribution of the Tuscany Region, will organize a launch event for the Giro dei 5 Rifugi. The event of the 22nd-23rd May will be organised in two groups: one will walk the route detailed below in two days, the other in one day. The two groups will be limited to 10-12 people and accompanied by environmental hiking guides, according to the Covid-19 restrictions.

The 2-day group will leave from the town of Cantagallo on Saturday at 12.00; going towards Passo del Treppio and Pian della Rasa (families may also participate). They will stop here for refreshments and then have dinner and stay at Cascina di Spedaletto; the cost of dinner is € 20. A one-night stay has different prices: €14 camp bed and breakfast, €12 indoor place with breakfast (mattress is needed), €8 breakfast only with overnight stay in a tent in the area next to the facility. On the second day, we will follow the path towards Vespaio. After, we will stop at Le Barbe and then, Le Cave for lunch; lunch costs € 20. After lunch, we will head back to the starting point. The second group will meet on Sunday at 9.30. We will leave at 10.00 following the same route. We will go at a faster pace as if it were a training session. The meals and overnight stay are not obligatory. For those interested, the meals can be booked via email when signing up to the event. We have also created an app for the Giro dei 5 Rifugi which will allow users to be guided by their GPS device along the beautiful route of about 30 km within the Acquerino Cantagallo Reserve. The route can be followed in OFFLINE mode, avoiding all the problems related to the phone network connections which do not cover the whole area. To promote and enjoy the local area, there is a section dedicated to all the businesses, mountain huts, restaurants, agriturismo (farm stays), B&Bs, etc. in the three municipalities of the Val Bisenzio. Emergency numbers are provided on the app, as well as the possibility of requesting a guide on your tour and any further helpful explanations should you wish to continue on your own.

The trail on the app can be navigated in either direction and allows the user to choose their starting point. The choice to start from Cantagallo was for promotional purposes. At the next event, we will give everyone the chance to download the app which is available for Android and iOS. We will share the link to download the app on our online platforms, so, keep following us! If you would like to reserve a place for the launch event, send an email to: On our Facebook page you can find all the details of the event.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: Due to uncertain weather conditions, the two-day event on Saturday 22nd May will not take place and will be postponed to another date (to be confirmed). The event on Sunday 23rd May is confirmed, and two groups will be organised due to the large number of reservations. More information about the app can be found on our website dedicated to the Giro dei 5 Rifugi. For any other suggestions or questions, please feel free to contact us via our Contacts page. And it doesn’t end here! Continue following us because over the next few days we will tell you about our next event!