Anello Del Cigno Bianco

Anello del Cigno Bianco track map
8,40 Km
381 mt
Altitude Difference
3 Hours
Travel Time
Water, Nature and Fragments of Human History

Between Greenery and Waterfalls

A loop in the heart of a magical treasure chest, where the hidden treasure is water, kept among rocks that enhance its clarity and impetuosity, vegetation that has grown luxuriant after the abandonment of ancient crops and a heterogeneous and rare fauna which lives undisturbed between the narrow walls that enclose the valley.

It is in the northernmost part of the Natura 2000 Appennino Pratese site (which also includes the Acquerino Cantagallo Nature Reserve and a strip of land along the Limentra stream) that nature manifests itself in all its “wilderness”, inviting the eye of the novice explorer to get lost in the wonder of the waterfalls and pools that the Carigiola stream and the nearby streams produce in the rapid descent from the Scoperta and Scalette mountains and from the Cigno Bianco hill.

Fragments of human history, then, on the banks of the streams: the famous mills, the first hydroelectric power station of the Val di Bisenzio (recently restored), the holiday town of Gavigno and its suggestive chestnut groves, the picturesque, semi-abandoned stone villages of the valley floor.

Route Description

Departure from Gavigno, in front of the Church of Sant’Agostino. Follow the road initially slightly downhill which begins to become marked at Fonte dei Piani – CAI 64. After the first hairpin bend you leave the CAI signs remaining on the road which begins to become dirt near the last isolated houses. Always on a steep descent you cross chestnut woods until you reach a crossroads in the locality. The Central. We follow the CAI 62 A trail sign on the right which enters between the houses and becomes a path and, in two hairpin bends, leads us to the ford on the Carigiola stream. Pay attention!

Once you have crossed the watercourse you face a steep climb inside a chestnut grove and, subsequently with alternating steep climbs and stretches on a slight slope halfway up the hillside, you go up the course of the Carigiola.

Fiume Carigiola che scorre nel bosco

The route winds inside the valley crossed by numerous watercourses and dotted with spectacular waterfalls and waterfalls. At the top of this stretch there is a crossroads where CAI path 62 intersects. Following the right branch you go up towards Cavarzano (possible escape route in case of bad weather). Our route instead continues downhill to the left, to cross the Carigiola again. Nearby is the most spectacular waterfall on the itinerary.

Cascate del Cigno Bianco Carigiola

Once you have crossed the watercourse you face a short staircase at the top of which you leave the CAI 62 which continues on the left reaching Gavigno in just under half an hour; instead we take the slightly sloping path on the right along the orographic right of the Carigiola.

Riflessi nell'acqua del fiume Carigiola

When you shortly arrive at the fork near a ruined building, take a left uphill and, at the next fork, turn sharply left. The most challenging stretch of the itinerary begins, characterized by panoramic hillsides alternating with narrow hairpin bends, with sometimes “significant” slopes, which allows us to exit the narrow gorge of the Fosso della Rocca. Reached an altitude of 750 m. the route tends to become flat as it winds along the side of Poggio Mandroli (on the opposite side you can admire the bold crest of the Cigno Bianco). The panoramic hillside route ends at the crossing of the Fosso della Rocca, here you follow the traces of an ancient uphill mule track that reaches a nearby crossroads.

On the left starts the narrow and steep path, without signs, which, with a little attention, allows you to reach the summit part of the Cigno Bianco; on the right the mule track continues, climbing into the beech forest until it ends on the Gavigno-Fossato asphalt road.

Continuing downhill for a few hundred meters we arrive at a small pine forest on the left within which we follow a narrow track that descends into the fields below and then, turning right, ends in front of a house. We follow the access road up to a crossroads where we descend sharply to the left, inside the town of Gavigno, until returning to the starting point.

Fiume Carigiola acqua verde cristallina

Download The App

The “Giro Dei Castagneti” is finally a reality thanks to the “Acquerino Cantagallo” App! The App is available for Android and iOS, download it and try all its functions. It’s time to set out on a journey and discover the wonders of the Acquerino Cantagallo Nature Reserve!

Android App

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iOS App

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Share with us the best moments of your “Giro Dei Castagneti”! Along the way there is certainly no shortage of opportunities and ideas to immortalize in a shot. Send us the photos taken along the route and use the hashtag #anellocignobianco to share them on our social channels.
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Contact Us For More Information

Morimus Asper su tronco d'albero
To receive more information about the app, the route and for questions about the Reserve, Association and our activities, please feel free to contact us. The Acquerino Cantagallo Association is always ready to welcome ideas and suggestions and answer your requests.

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