The Acquerino Blog
Welcome to the Acquerino Cantagallo Blog. Here, you can find all the latest news and updates about our activities and events from the Acquerino Cantagallo Association. You can also find articles about our beloved reserve and all the topics relating to the Association.

Acquerino Cantagallo beyond the borders
Welcome back to the Acquerino Cantagallo Association blog! This time Acquerino Cantagallo goes beyond the borders! The Acquerino Cantagallo Association is in fact pleased to introduce an interesting novelty regarding
Mondoape – Bees and the hive
Mondoape – Bees and the hive is the event organized by the A Passeggio Nel Bosco ODV association with the collaboration of Acquerino Cantagallo which will take you to discover
Acquerino Cantagallo App – Giro Dei 5 Rifugi
The Acquerino Cantagallo Association is proud and excited to present an idea which became reality: the “Giro dei 5 Rifugi”! This idea became reality thanks to the help of our friends.